The complexities of manufacturing can considerably influence the assessed value of your assets and inventory. Accounting for those characteristics, applying effective valuation methods, and having intimate knowledge of the Texas Property Tax Code provide a distinct advantage in lowering taxes.
Click below to view one of the key considerations regarding value: Economic obsolescence.
Begin Your Discovery by Understanding How Your Business May Benefit
While the appraisal districts are mandated to assess your property equitably and uniformly, the accuracy of the assessed value ultimately relies on you. We can help! Our No-Savings No-Fee model offers a risk-free solution, expertly managing your compliance filing, exemptions, and appeal work. Let's discover your savings!
Over the past five years, businesses have been riding a rollercoaster with their inventory, and it's had a big impact on their assessments. Thanks to pandemic-related supply chain woes, they went from shortages to reactive stockpiling to meet customer demands. And lately, inflation has been cranking up the costs of their year-end inventory, even for equal levels of YTY inventory. Our inventory valuation service is here to help ease the tax burden and soften the blow of these ups and downs for our customers. Exploring incentives and factoring adjusments is a must. I am glad to talk with anyone facing inventory related tax liability.
I enjoy the challenge of complex property valuation, simply due to the analysis required. By systematically testing and analyzing sales data of comparable equipment, identifying physical functional or economic obsolescence, conducting trend or regression analyses, and inutility studies, you target valuation strategies that successfully lower property tax expense. When we contest a property tax assessment, we do so with confidence in the outcome because we possess insights beyond those of the assessor.
Just like any market, manufacturing real estate has its share of highs and lows. But what sets manufacturing properties apart is their unique design, often tailored to fit the equipment and processes inside. What works perfectly for one user could be a major headache for another, especially when it comes to the costs of remodeling. These factors are crucial when considering different approaches to value, especially in the realm of manufacturing. What's even better for our clients is having the opportunity to collaborate with our business personal property consultants and the knowledge exchange that occurs.